day 10

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
so day 10.

today is what I would call a good day,succesfull as far as diet and activeness goes,water intake was good.
diner was made a little arly tonight so I have given myself permission to snack on some nuts-
stepped on the scales and I was 102-6kgs lost so first mini goal is to get to 100kgs before my drs appointment this Friday-may be wishfull thinking but ill be happy if im near to it-

so I know we shouldn't be just worried about the weight full stop but c'mon we are doing this for that reason so whats wrong with a little wishfull thinking-

my goal is to be at the very least 95ks by the end of my first onth-i realsie that that is 13kgs in a month and some may think that is to fast but I think its doable,if I wasnt eating anything and starving myself I would agree but I havnt skipped a meal since I started duromine and have made everything I have eaten healthy and wide variety-with an occasional slip of course but only very minor-
sooo if that is to fat for some then that's fine but I would be thrilled!!

second month I would like to get into the 80's im not even worried where in the 80's just in them!!!
the dream is 75kgs and the ultimate fantasy is 70kgs-realistically if I got to 80kgs in 3 months I would be happy but while im doing it why not go for gold lol

anyway not much else t report on day 10-


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