Day 10

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So after my 1st week weigh in on Monday I've been more motivated than ever.
I have a wonderful support system and everyone in my family also seems to be back on track. All my life I have been overweight and I have been more diets than a star struck celeb could every dream of, only realizing now that I was going about it all wrong. For the first time in my life I am not looking at this as a Diet, I am looking at it as a change of life. Feeding my fat cells some poison with healthy food and healthy sized portions. Who knew that a small plate would be more than enough food:eek:

Duromine has helped me realize that all the times I thought I was hungry, I was actually just bored, depro or eating because everyone else was. I can now say NO and not feel like I'm depriving myself of yummy and unhealthy food.

I'm feeling great and can't wait for the next 10 days.

SW 138.9
CW 133
GW 75


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