Day 104

  • Author laura kate
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I started 30mg on october 1st (4 months ago) starting at 147kg height 172cm.

After half a month of feeling nothing i went up to 40mgs and i started feeling it straight away. No side effects.

Its been hard. Really hard. Everybodies weight loss is important and gratifying.
But i gotta say. When you are THAT big, it is really a do or die senario.

When you are morbidly MORBIDLY obese its not just about being fat and not looking good at the beach. Its impacts everything.
●Getting in an elevator and wondering if other people in there felt it move when you got on.
●Getting in to cars gently so it doesnt bounce.
●walking on tip toes accross floor boards
●when someone opens their door to let you in and dont move right out of the way
●not wanting to get on a plane in fear 1: not fitting in the seats 2: being victim of one of those cruel nasty open letters air travelers complain with that end up on fb.
●being scared to run into people you used to know because you know they will be like "omg guess who got so fat!?"
●sitting in chairs with arms. You are to embarassed to admit its digging in and killing you so you just sit there and end up with purple bruises.
●sex is uncomfortable
●when people look at you the only thing they could possibly be looking for is because your fat. Not because your pretty or have a great dress on.
●getting looks at supermarkets if you step foot near the chips and lollies isle

And the worst. Shopping for someone else and being told in front of other customers "if you are shopping for yourself unfortunately nothing will fit you here"
Yes. ^^^ that happens. Alot.
Bitch maybe im looking for a scarf? Haha

What im trying to get at is that while yes i put myself in the sutuation of being obese. No one should ever have to feel self concise about walking on floor boards or entering shops or even being alive. Wether your 5 kgs over what youd like to be or 100kg.

I have also copped alot of slack recently being called LAZY and that yeah i lost all this eeight but she did it the easy way. She didnt have to work for it.
That is so insulting.

Duromine isnt a magic pill. Its an aid. I have worked out till i puke. Ive cried. Ive put in the time for excersise same as anyonr elsealso had to train myself to go without foods i have eaten for ten years. Breaking habits. So if anyone makes you feel bad about your weight loss because you took duromine. I suggest you polity tell them to f*#k off.

If you have made the change to become healthy and work for it. You are a god damn queen. So work it until you can twerk it.

Heres a picture of me with a lush face mask on. I only recently discovered lush as now i can fit in the bath. Yay!
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What you said in the parts about being morbidly obese, I definitely here you there especially since I sky rocketed up to 157kg, it sucks feeling pain in your body at the age of 23-25 I shouldn't feel, the stares you get as well. Everything hurts and it sucks.

I always felt bad about taking Duromine again because I felt I would be cheating, but thank you for positing this its definitely made change my outlook on it :)

Blog entry information

laura kate
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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