Day 11 on duramine 30mg

  • Author Bexxmayy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone,

Im on day 11 of 30mg duramine.
When i started i weighed in at 100kgs.
I have been reading a lot of everyone elses success stories from the first week of being on it and im wondering if i am doing anything wrong?
Every body else seems to be losing between 5-10kgs in the first week and i weighed in today and have only lost 1kg although i could of sworn i was seeing a difference.
I am exercising every day for atleast 30minutes to 1hr and a half.
Watching my calorie intake and eating quite small portioned meals.

Has anybody else experienced this?
Can anybody help me?


Hi, I've just started taking Duromine and am on day 4 of my first wk. I haven't read too much on here yet but would have thought 5-10kgs in one week even on this is well, wow!?! I am 97kgs after having my girls and am aiming to get back to 75, and my dr said I could expect to lose 10kgs in the 3 months on it (30mg) I hope to lose 12 kgs in the next 3 months to take me to 85 and of course any more would be fabulous!
If you are taking your tablet daily, exercising, drinking water and eating small healthy meals I don't see what else there is you could do? We are all different. Maybe you'll have a big loss next wk?if you don't see results book in to talk to your dr again. I hope you see some results soon :)
Has your doctor set you up with a care plan? My GP has made an appt for me to see a nurse who will go through an eating and exercise plan with me. Apparently I can get 5 visits free through Medicare for 6 months and then another 5 appts for 6 months. I have my first appt on Monday.

I've on Day 2 of a Duromine and was horrified that I have gained 1kg!!!! I got my period this morning so I'm hoping I'm bloated! I have eaten 1200 calories per day so I should be losing wright surely???

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