DAY 12.. 30mg

  • Author MINKY01
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Weight Day 1: 87.2
Weight Day 7: 84.2
Weight Loss: 3kgs

Day 12

3kgs in one week!!The most ive ever lost in a week! Duromine has given me the opportunity to get out what i put in.. I was working out 3-4x a week but not getting any results i wanted because of my eating!! "Just one more".. "Yes Please" .. lol now its No Thank you im ok.. Making better choices and feeling great afterwards instead of guilt "I shoudnt have eaten that!" lol Temptation is everywhere.. I realised i had NO self control i would eat if my partner was eating or just for the sake of it..even if i wasnt hungry!

Heres what i wanted to committ to while taking Duromine so i could get the most out of it. (Duromine is not cheap but im so glad i did).

Keep a daily food chart: (Keeps me accountable.. More conscious about how much i am actually eating.)
Always have Breakfast!! (Something i never did)
Drink at least 2 waterbottles of water a day
Be active walk/workout every day. for atleast 30 minutes
Weigh in every Monday
Cut out bread (Used to have at least 2 pieces of bread per meal and snacks inbetween!!)
Stop drinking Fizzy Drinks (My Fav lol)

This has helped me lose 3 kgs in my first weigh in 3 more day till my 2nd weigh in cant wait to see what the scales read!! I do my own workouts at home no gym just me in my driveway or my lounge with the music playing 30 minutes and im done! Struggle is real sometimes tho!! lol

I can share my workouts for anyone else who wants to get the most out of their time on Duromine as a jumpstart to long term changes :) you know ur body and ur capability injuries etc dont do anything u shouldnt..

Heres what i did today (I have random names cause i dont know what their actually called) lol

3 Rounds Reps of 20

Leg Raises- Lying on ur back straight with both legs together raise them up until ur toes are pointing to the sky lol
Figure 8s Lying on ur back legs together off the ground make the figure 8 sideways with ur toes oo
Plank 30 seconds
Window Wipers: On ur back legs together moving them from side to side touching the ground on each side left to right
In and outs: plank position all ur doing is moving ur feet into the middle touching each other then wide apart
Star Jumps 20 reps
you dont need any equipment just a towel or mat to lie on!! :)
Let me know if you want me to keep posting up my workouts.. just shredding the fat and sharing the love!! lol
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Heeey Minky!! Congratulations on first great results! Keep it up! Really happy that Duromine helps you get in control over your cravings and eating out of boredom or “with company”. Hopefully, you will maintain this wise approach to your nutrition and will keep enjoying to see how much more in control you are over yourself. =) Wonderful!

Thank you for posting your exercises. Will be very glad if you continue. I know that many people thin you should literally die in the gym to see any effects. You are proving this assumption is totally wrong. Keep going strong and motivated! Looking forward to the second weigh in and wish you a great weekend!

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