Day #12 - Let's be honest... brutally, totally, unconditionally honest...

  • Author Rune2810
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Today is day #12 on Duromine. I have not had the same experience as a lot of people. I do not have more energy and I want to sleep ALL THE TIME. I still get hungry and I do not get a dry mouth, so I struggle to get in enough water...

But... What I have found is that Duromine is really helping me control my cravings. I am a food addict. If I know there is food in the house I will eat it, all of it without stopping or thinking. I will obsess and obsess until I have eaten everything. I will stop on my way somewhere to buy food, eat everything in the car and then hide the evidence so that nobody knows.
I have noticed that while drinking Duromine this has become much less and easier to control. We had a party last weekend with chocolate cake. Usually I would have cake before food I would make myself crazy, even going to extremes like eating extra cake in the bathroom where nobody would see me and taking extra pieces of cake home. This time I didn't even think of cake. I had my dinner and that was enough. It is the first time in very long I actually feel some control over my food habits and I really like that.

In the past 12 days I have lost 2 kg, which I am happy with, I only have a prescription for 1 month, when I have to go see my doctor again, and hopefully he will give me another prescription.

Starting Weight: 90.6kg
CW #12: 88.6kg (-2.0kg / 18.6kg to go)
UGW: 70.0kg

I really hope I can reach 85.0kg by the end of my first pack, which would mean I have to lose 3.6kg in 18 days, for a total loss of 5.6kg in 30days. This does not sound impossible, especially if I am honest with myself regarding what I have been eating. And lets face it, if I want to make a permanent change I have to be honest with myself.

*I started naming excuses as to why I was not eating 100%, finances, cooking, convenience* but in the end all of this is only EXCUSES that I need to lose!! I am tracking on My Fitness Pal and stick to about 1000-1200 cal a day, but these are by no means always healthy habits. So I am eating less, but still not healthy, and I know this is what is causing me to not lose weight as fast. (And now that I think about is this is also probably why I am tired all the time!! *Seeing that I am being honest with myself* my 1200 calories at the moment consists of carbs for breakfast, so small muffin or oats and 1/2 glass of soda this is usually about 300 calories, Lunch isn't too bad sometimes chicken and veg with some rice sometimes only a jungle oats bar about 300 calories, Sometimes for a snack I would have 2-3 blocks of chocolate 100calories and then dinner would be anything from pasta to home made burger about 500-600 calories. So even though I am eating small portions and less calories I AM EATING CRAP!!! I could get a lot more food and healthy energy if I used my calories for high protein foods healthy fats, and limit my intake to good carbs. NOT processed sugary foods and drinks!)

I have to stop giving myself reasons why it is okay to fail, because I will not fail, and life will never get easier. I have to find a way I can permanently change my habits and have lasting weight loss.

This is what I commit to for the next 18 days on my first pack (Last day 12 March 2016):

1. CHECK IN: I will check in here every weekday (I do not have internet at home to check in on weekends).

2. HONEST: I will be honest with myself about what I eat and always try to make better healthier choices. Every little thing going into my mouth will be tracked on mfp, sometimes while I am snacking here and there I pretend those foods does not have calories if I don't track them, and this is what gets me down. Maybe if I track ALL I eat it will stop me (Shock me?) if I see how many calories I actually consuming.

3. H2O: I will drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, also tracking them on mfp.

4. GET MOVING: I will do some sort of planned exercise a day. At this moment I am not going to be specific or commit to a certain plan, I am just committing to being active every day. I can change my workout to my mood: In a rush? T25 is only 25minutes, Feeling Stressed? I can do some Yoga., Husband home early? we can go walk the dogs. Anything every day.

Well, that's me. I am happy that I found this website and this place to blog as I feel that somethings putting your thoughts down, and reading them almost forces you to look at your situation from an outsiders perspective. It is very easy to forgive yourself.

** Only I can get myself unstuck!! **
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You are Sooo sooo right! I mean, I don't even remember when I've seen such an honest post here as yours. It is very important indeed to realize what you have to go through and to be ready to change things. I wish you a big luck and o become stronger to resist those 'crap' foods you're talking about. Sometimes I think we are surrounded by enemies))) junk food is everywhere and it's seductive and tasty...But you have a motivation, you should not doubt in yourself and go forward. You can lose those 18 kg, IT IS achievable. And I hope, by the time you will lose this weight, your thinking will change too. And it will become easier to stick to this new lifestyle and feel super fine. I wish you that! Go girl! :cool::laughing:

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4 min read
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