Day 13

  • Author auroraB
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Not eating is harder than I anticipated. The feeling of being hungry has been taken away but habits haven't so I'm still wanting to buy a cake for tea and having a croissant for brekkie. I'm feeling quite angry e.g. why is life so unfair? I've fought with my weight almost all of my life. It's not like I sit on my bum doing zilcho - I'm on my feet all day as a teacher, dog walks twice daily, I don't indulge in soft drinks, I love my veggies, I don't eat much meat.

/rant over

It has not really occured to me before eating is an enjoyable part of my life. Perhaps this is the reason I am the weight that I am and I need to find less joy in food and channel that somewhere else.

Does anyone else feel this way?

sleep: went to bed at midnight so sleep wasn't too bad - slept at least 5-6 hours.

apple, latte, minestrone soup with 1/2 cup pearl couscous, quinoa with broccoli, capsicum and feta cheese, 1 slice of olive bread.

mood: calm but exhausted. I felt tired today physically more than mentally.

unofficial daily weight:
80.1kg (not sure what's up with that. could be the lasagna because I don't usually have carbs)

walked to work.


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