Day 14 on Duromine 30mg

  • Author Te Araroa
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone
I have finally decided to write. Ive been watching the posts on a daily basis, but just didn't have the courage to talk to anyone, just my doctor knows I am on duromine. I have been pleased to hear the positive comments from everyone.
I have to admit that I have an extremely messy life and so many things are coming to a head, I think well i believe the duromine has helped me to see things a little bit better and even though I have lost an incredible amount of weight in the last two weeks other things in my life have gone from bad to worse.
I wish i could feel the euphoria of losing the weight, at my heaviest 123kgs 12 years ago I had managed to lose weight I mean right down under 90kgs, Im 5'11 and supposed to weigh 79kgs, havent been that weight in 20 years and managed to always pile it back on, I havent weighted myself since Friday morning at the doctors, i had to see him because my potassium and iron levels are very low, i was shocked to see that the day before i went on duromine i was 111.9kgs and 10 days later I weighed in at 105.6kgs.
I have no one to tell my story too except the computer. I live in an extremely abusive household, at the moment i am sporting another black eye, i have had no will power, strength to do anything no confidence, i dont talk to my family or friends, i am more ashamed than anything, and have never wanted to lose weight so badly until 21 days ago.
The man who abuses me, the father of my children bashed me 21 days ago I remember being punched to the ground in the hallway outside my bedroom door and he was kicking me as i was curled in a ball. This is the norm for me i am used to this but this time something went off in my head. He was calling me a fat f,,,,,en slob, you fat c,,t, i should get a knife and cut your fat stomach or better still you go put a knife in your fat guts. I dont know what it is i have been called so many names by him it just goes over my head, but this time hearing the word FAT really broke me. It has pushed me to go do something about it. I seem to think that if I get rid of the weight I will gain strength to pick myself up again, its sad that the motivation to lose weight has not come from wanting to have a healthy lifestyle, but came from being abused. I wonder if anyone else has experienced or lives the same life as me. I ate myself fat from all the mis treatment I have suffered over the last 6 years I would just purge on food crying in my room, now I cry in my room but dont eat thanks to the duromine, i have no desire to eat


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Te Araroa
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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