day 2 duromine 30mg

  • Author rosanne
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
5.00am woke up and had duromine then slept

8.00am breakfast seems like a bad idea. I have no desire to prepare breakfast duromine must be working.

10.00am forced myself to have one hard boiled egg.

12.00pm i walked at a leisurely pace for an hour

1.00pm had a peach. I had no desire to eat. My stomach is rumbling but i feel sick

3.00pm im having hot flushes so ate another peach

Im putting my body into starvation mode that only makes it difficult to lose weight but i will try to have a healthy meal tomorrow. I just drank so much water ...i can not eat.

Ok so i just finished shopping and im so happy my weekly shopping list is so much cheaper lol there are other benefits whilst on duromine

First time ever i have gotten fresh vegetables and fruit i used to buy microwavable dishes... lasagna etc...
so right now im about to chop and store my veggies into little plastic bags in the fridge im adding to some bags salmon fillet each day it will be easier that way with my crazy schedule


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