Day 2 Duromine 40mg & Jenny Craig

  • Author Want2beskinnyagain
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all , day 2 today it's been great followed my whole eating plan that I have from Jenny Craig , had my pill at 4 am this morning as last night I tossed and turned alllll night loooong so thought having it earlier may help me sleep better , so I got up at 6am feeling awesome jumped on the scales and i weigh 100kg !! yesterday morning i was 101.7kg ! so thats a loss of 1.7kg overnight !! I did 2 separate workouts today both 10mins on exercise bike 5k each , so I've done 10k of biking today no side effects at all , will update you all again tomorrow !!

19-06-2013 Starting weight :101.7kg
20-06-2013 Current Weight :100kg
Goal Weight :55kg-65kg ( my recommended healthy weight range )
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