Day 2 & nagging headache.

  • Author lynnee
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I'm just wondering what type of headache tablets are ok to take with doromine.i have a nagging headache & a nagging husband & the 2 together are just too much.
Firstly I gained weight on medication as so many do & am finding it so hard to stop it slowly creeping on as I'm still on the medication. I checked out my sisters cre8ing momentum diet & I eat well apart from potatoes & white rice which are no no's in that diet so - it is the medication Dr says it is too.
I have my older daughters wedding in 4.&1/2 months & I like to drop around 14kg . I'd be so happy. Providing I don't get the awful skin & hair falling out that is. Not a good look for M.O.B.
Anyway I'm at the beginning of my journey. I've had my meds today & a big glass of warm water with lemon juice in it. Can someone let me know if there are any pain killers to stay away from re:headache ( I do feel a bit let down by my Doc who didn't even mention 30's & 60's to me. They cost a lot of money as you all know and I maybe would have tried the 30 instead of 15mg).
Here we go. : )


Ive been having nurofen and its worked for me havent heard you can have any but im still new to duromine

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