Day 2 of my Duromine Journey :)

  • Author TLC1
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I'm basically starting this blog to keep track of everything, so I'll be posting daily :) I read alot on here and other places before I went to my GP and got a prescription. I'm 19 and my starting weight is 86.4kgs and that is pretty unhealthy for my height 167cm I've been small/medium my whole life I never went past 65kg so standing on the scales at the doctors was very depressing. I've tried alot of different ways to lose the weight i.e, Lite n Easy, Rapid Loss etc. But I could never stick to anything, I just had no motivation, so I'm hoping Duromine will be my kickstart to a healthier lifestyle, I haven't come across any unsucessful stories (excluding bad side affects).

So today is my second day on Duromine 30mg and I feel ok, slight headache and a not so dry mouth today lol. I drank about 4 litres of water yesterday I have never been so thirsty in my life haha. I feel like I'm supposed to be hungry but I'm not. I forced down an apple for breakfast just so I have something in my stomach.

I didnt do much yesterday just my normal daily routine, I wanted to see how my body reacted to the drug first, but i feel fine so I'll be starting the workouts today I recently bought a treadmill so that'll be my new bestfriend for the duration of my time on Duromine :)

SW: 86.4kg
CW: 84.9kg
Loss of -1.5kg :)

My goal weight- 65kg


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