Day 2 on Duromine

  • Author sanjay1
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I 'survived' my first day on Duromine.

What they said about difficulty sleeping is very true for me. I hardly slept last night and also had some terrible constipation. It's like you want to go to the bathroom but cannot empty the bowels.

Very pleased that I walked 4.5km yesterday evening.

I took my second tablet at 07h15 this morning and weighed in.

Weigh In: (02/04/2014)
Yesterday: 100.3 kg
Today: 99.4 kg
Lost/Gained: 0.9 kg

It is odd to be that I feel very bloated. My stomach is still protruding out quite a bit :)

I asked my wife to take a few 'before' pictures of me this morning - front and side - was not pleased at what I saw...LOL

As an engineer, I firmly believe in keeping a record of my measurements. This helps me focus and keep track.

The old adage rings true : "If you don't measure - you can't manage".

Good luck everyone :) Till next time.


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