Day 2- Still no change But Ive been told could take up to 3 weeks

  • Author Nikkstar
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I'm on my second day, I don't yet feel a suppressed appetite or boost of energy, I know I definitely have the dry mouth but no other side affects yet, I slept pretty consistent to how I normally sleep most nights. Im a light sleeper, I like to sleep on my side but I toss and turn every hour on the hour cause I find laying on one side gets sore in my arm or shoulder so then I have to roll over to my other side till then that goes sore and numb, not sure if thats the same for people of all sizes but have definitely felt that since I hit the 100+ Kg mark.

Today Being a Sunday I decided to meal prep for the working week never done so before and my gosh am I exhausted, I had my mother-in-law doing it with me and thank god for that.
I love eggs so for breakfast every morning Im going to have 2 every morning poached I never get sick of eggs.
Im trying to stick to a lot of veggies and Lean Meats
Chicken and Veg
Meat and Veg
Chicken Stir-fry
Lentil Patties
Lamb and Pumpkin Salad
I made a baked Ratatouille (All veggies bit of tomato taste and went easy on the cheese, I think? lol)
1 night Ill make a small portion of Pasta and Sauce cause I don't want to cut anything out

For Snacks
Healthy Vegan Breakfast Slice We cut up to have over a couple of days
Blackberry Oat Bar as well
and there are these yummy cacao oat balls with peanut butter and different variety of seeds
Carrot Sticks and Hummus

It really was a lot of effort today from starting shopping at 10am through to getting home un-packing groceries and then cooking we didn't finish till about 5pm, I thing we need to find a simpler way to meal prep other wise it won't last, maybe only making 2 different Snacks and Simpler lunch dishes maybe just double up on meals.
Im sure it will be great throughout the week but every Sunday for 5 hours shopping and Cooking just Sucks lol.

If anyone has an easier way they do it PLEASE HELP.

I am really hoping my Duromine kicks in soon where I feel full quite quickly cause I know my biggest problem is portion control. I worry that, that might not happen to me.

Anyway that's My day 2 and don't worry I won't be blogging everyday.
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Hi Nikkstar! ;)

Wow I enjoyed reading your planning meals for the week. But I agree so much time for shopping and then preparing and cooking may not last for long. I also love eggs, so one or a day is a must for me and I never feel sick, but in contrary quite full if I don't have meat that day. Proteins what can be wrong with that?

Maybe it is better to prepare meals just for two days? I mean, not the whole week at once (as I don't think the food stays fresh that long even in the fridge), but just for two days. Although you can write down the recipes for the whole week, and cook them gradually. This way you will probably have some spare time. For example, my plan was: chicken breast for two days, fresh leaves, tomatoes, avocado, etc. to mix it all together as a salad. Two portions of boiled beans and peas with baby carrots all in separate containers. Eggs I prefer fresh so it's 10 minutes to boil them any time I want, but if I know I have no time the next morning before work, I cook two in the evening and store them in the fridge.

Also, you can always change/add new ingredients to your recipes and cook them next time. Stir fry takes much time for me, but it's delicious, so I ask my hubby to help, at least to prepare all the ingredients for me. Oh, and he actually taught me to freeze different meals, like soup, broth, sause and even cooked meat. For example, you have time on weekend and you decided to cook a big pan of stir fry, or cream soup (mushroom, vegetable, chicken, whatever) or home-made tomato sauce. Especially, if I know that I may not want to eat chicken, or soup for couple of days. After cooking you just need to put it away to cool down and then take special bags (or plastic container) and separate it to small portions. It worked well for us, every time I got home from work tired, I used to take my portion of soup and heat it up either in microwave or in the pan full of water on low heat. It can save you time actually. Besides, these products can be stored longer in the freezer.

As for your Duromine effect, don't worry, it's just day 3 so I am sure it'll come to you soon. For my comfy night sleep I have my beloved long pillow, you know those for pregnant women, so I can hug it with my arms and legs and it actually takes off a lot of pressure on my arms and I sleep like a baby. Maybe try this too, I hope it helps you a little bit. I like your plan and I think you can reach great weight loss, if you stay focused and believe you actually can do it! I wish you that!:)
Hi Nikkstar! Now that is a COMPREHENSIVE approach for the eating schedule! Shows, you’re very serious about your weight loss plans, and I am very glad you are. =) And yes, Kate is so right in all her tips. I do the same… I never cook for like 2 days in advance. When you get to healthy eating, you start preferring everything fresh and fragrant. I always have a couple of salad mixes in my fridge, as well as chicken, fish, eggs and some of my favorite dairy products. Of course, the fruits and vegetables are a must.

I stopped letting food take too much of my time, except for some family, weekend and holiday meals. I do love to cook, and enjoy it extremely, but not so much time to spend for it.

Having all the good products fresh in the fridge allows me to have a smoothie when I have no time to cook at all. Fish and meat cook very quickly. SO I heat the grill, season the protein and throw it in to cook. In the meantime, I grab a handful of the salad leaves, cut other vegies I have, avocado, some seeds sprinkled (love sesame and pumpkin seeds in salads), a splash of lemon juice and a bit olive oil, along with black pepper and a very small amount of salt (usually avoid the last one, but my kids don’t like salt-free salads). And there you have it. When I need to take food with me, I do approximately the same thing, and just take it all with me without mixing.

I do cook something like pasta (mostly all kinds of alternatives, like zoodles, butternut squash noodles), rice, potatoes (baked to save as many useful substances as possible) and stuff, because my family doesn’t have any problems with excess weight, however I always try to find simplest, healthiest and less time-consuming dishes. There is a zillion of healthy recipes over the Internet that take very little time to cook. =) I am sure you will find some good one to try and enjoy, AND spare some more time for yourself, exercising, spending time with your BF. =) Best of luck!

PS. Everyday blogging is not a bad thing. In fact, people find it very useful to put down daily progress, as this helps them keep in track and see if they should change something to get even better results.

PPS. Hope, you’ll get the effect soon!
Thanks heaps, for the food tips I will probably take your advice and either prepare for 2 meals or maybe just have it all ready to go.

Trial And error at this stage I guess till I know what works best for me
Heeeeey Nikkstar!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING???? Did you manage to develop a good food preparation routine that allows you to always eat healthy? So much excitement, determination and work in your first post. Are you still feeling motivated? Hope you are and wish you a lovely day! Hope, you’ll write soon!

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