Day 2 Week 1

  • Author Anita7123
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Just starting my journey with Duromine. I am in my 30’s; and a visit to my dr resulted in diagnosed hypotension, back problems, dietary restrictions, depression, anxiety, and overall horrid well being. I’ve tried everything to loose weight; and this past 12 months my body seems to have decided to stick and not budge and despite my efforts; actually gained weight. My dr has started me on the 30mg and wants to see me again after a week; more to monitor blood pressure - then we will review in a month.

Week one

Starting Weight : 88.5kg
Starting BMI: 33

1st goal: -80kg
2nd goal: -75kg
3rd goal: -70

Goal weight: 60-67 kg
Goal BMI: 22.96

I’m on day 2 and going ok. The medication kicked in pretty well immediately; and I was up and at the gym at 6am these last two days. I have more energy to push further on the cardio circuit; and it’s feeling less like a chore already. I’m drinking A LOT of water and on day 2; the dry’s have hit pretty hard. I have felt hunger on and off but mostly at 6pm onwards. I was already making good food choices so that part hasn’t been too difficult; and I hope I can maintain this momentum. I had a maximum of 4 hours sleep last night and am hoping that the insomnia settles soon as I work long hours and have a very hectic lifestyle.

I am so nervous with this decision and I truly hope this works!


Day 3- serious case of the cotton mouth. Pretty sure I drank close to 4 litres water today. Few annoying headaches and a tummy cramp tonight. Have no appetite and the most I could force in today was a really small bowl of gluten free cereal; handful of grapes strawberries at lunch and a small bowl of soup and sourdough for dinner. Found it hard to swallow the bread so I think I’ll stay off that for a bit. Weighed in on day 2 and scales showed 1.7 kg loss in a day bringing my weight from 88.5 to 86.6kg (water weight). Today( day 3) showed a further 3 cm off hips Tempted to weigh in every morning but want to resist the temptation and do so once/twice week max to enjoy the full effects. I’m noticing clothing is already a little lighter. Been walking each day but not tonight as I’ve crashed!
Struggling with lightheadedness today and the last few nights with little sleep has caught up with me. On the plus side; I’m way more alert in the mornings and quite a bit more productive at work. Hoping the initial side effects ease off soon and I can begin to enjoy healthy food a little more and rest.
Hey @Anita7123 how are you doing? I hope your initial side effects are subsiding for you.
Hi Rava
Yes I’m going ok thankyou. Day 5-7 I felt like I’d lost the effect of the medication completely actually. All symptoms left and hunger returned and consequently I ate some things I probably shouldn’t have. Day 9 I’ve found the 30mg is taking just the edge of my hunger really and hasn’t been a noticeable help. The cotton mouth has subsided and I only notice it slightly now and then. My weigh in today is 85.5 so I have lost 3kg in 9 days which I know is mostly water weight.
This week my goal is to try to make consistently healthy food choices, no evening wine with dinner and some excercise every day. I am enjoying having more energy and my sleep pattern has improved. I am due to attend a follow up with my gp this week so I will need to do that to see how I’m tracking. Hopefully it continues to work for me.
Great result :). 3kg in 9 days is fab!

I am not feeling any hunger at all, but I will say that the majority of all my meals is protein and I think that has a lot to do with it as it keeps you feeling fuller longer. I am tracking everything I eat, and that helps me put protein first. So basically my food rules are protein - then any vegetables I want. I am also steering away from fruit right this minute, as they can make me crave sweets.

I hope you follow up with your GP goes well and am so glad to hear you are feeling a lot better!
Thanks rava. Are you on the 30 mg?
Sure am :).

Keep me posted with how you go at your GP.
Hi rava
So I finally got round to seeing my dr. I have no idea what’s going on but on the same scales in his office; a bit over 3 weeks into 1st month of 30mg and its showing I’ve only lost 500gm?! Home scales are telling me I’m 85.6 thismorning so by my records; I gained 100gm but lost nearly 3kg since the start; but by GP I only lost 500gm!!! I’ve been feeling no effects from the medication at all for some time now so I have a normal appetite like I did before; going to the gym; no dry mouth so I’m not inclined to drink a lot of water even though I know I should be. I work a very very stressful job and manage a team plus spend a lot of time in front of a computer so if I’m truly honest; the occasional red on a Friday night; skipping lunch; forgetting water etc is probably not helping either.

So needless to say; feeling very disappointed both by my results and not putting me first!

He has given me a 6 month script for 40mg and the pharmacist assured me that Metermine brand is exactly the same as Duromine; only a little cheaper. Not too sure on that one and not willing to take risks at this point only to feel deflated again!

I’ll start the 40mg tomorrow. Dr says most people end up on the 40’s ....
Time to put myself back in the drivers seat again!
Oh no! Try not to get discouraged! It's a new day with your 40mg! I hope it all goes well, let us know if you feel a difference with your higher dosage.

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