Day 2 week 2 month 2!

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello all my beautiful friends :) I haven't blogged for a few days as I seem to be having a very positive time and not much different stuff to post so decided I will post each Friday for weigh in :) and give you a run down on my week!

So my week has been pretty good :) still training at least once a day for an hour but aim for 2 sessions a day when I can.
Still eating lovely healthy good although have educated myself with what says is "healthy" to what ACTUALLY is! In weightloss you have to eat the right foods to she'd the fat and these foods are different to what you can eat to keep the fat off in the long term :)
Also I have decided while on this journey to study PT.. At home so I can still be with my kids :)

I have inspired so many people on this journey and have a new love for excercise!!!!

My long term goal for studying this is to create my own mini "get fit" team and do some training in a park or football ground :)

I have full support from my family on this and I have 12 months to complete my course and get a qualification!!!

So by the end of the 12 months I want to be TANK! Hahaha

I know it's a big dream but it all starts with an interest then a spark then work and when u get what you want it ends with SUCCESS!!!

So a lot has been happening in this mummy's world since I've been gone eh!? Lol

My husband who is also a bit beefy is interested in starting duromine.. And getting fit also he needed a little extra push so I brought him some dumbells a pair of gloves and a fitness mat today so we can train together this is very good news for me as I'd love to have that support at home from someone going through the exact same thing :)

So here is the best news of all!!!....
Wait for it...

My weight loss this week!!!

Starting weight 110kg
Starting date: 13-5-13

Today's weight 92.9kg
Today's date 5-7-13
Total weight loss: 17.1kg

Total weight loss this week : 1.5kg

Very happy chappy!!!

Hope everyone is doing awesome which I'm sure you all are because your all committed and driven much love x :) x


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2 min read
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