Day 2

  • Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
OK!! day 2 down and dusted!! let me say it was my first day of feeling and noticing more side effects! its a really strange feeling your body has when you feel fired up, cant be bothered to talk or tell what you did that day!, feeling flusted and want to be alone! cant be bothered to stand or sit down, mix emotions all over the place but trying to remind yourself "whats going on with me?" "just drop it chrissy!!" i could hear myself being a total bitch!! so i snapped out of that quick smart!! haha but i must say the insomnia is annoying! having being used to sleeping 8 hours straight to 5 1/2 hours the next doesnt help! i now no the difference between tired eyes(close them and next minute your asleep cant remember where you got up to watching the movie!!) and active eyes!(close them and your mind is awake) but i must say i take duromine at 9am and i dnt get tired till 12am! so iv started to take it earlier and see if it makes a difference!

it was my first time at the gym for the new year and also being on duromine, and having read and researched about this pill i new what i was up against! i took it easy on the treadmill for about 15mins of fast paced walking and everything seemed fine! i deffently felt my heart racing but nothing to be worried! i came up with a sweat in the first 5 mins of walking and new "that was different" the blood was puming and so was my heart! i decided to increase my speed for the last 5 mins on the treadmill to 6.0km and man oh man my heart was racing!! i could feel it if not pumping out of my chest! so i decided to get off! i did a bit of skipping and steps and the same would happen!! usually my workouts are offten full on and fast! i love to push myself to get the best out of my workout everytime!! but being on duromine is a little different so im not going to push myself so hard next gym sesh! haha

i do have a question though! ever since i started duromine im now not sure what the feeling of hungry, sick or full is! i can have an apple and say im full but feel sick?? hungry?? i dnt no! its uncomfortable and was wondering if others have had this and can anyone give me any tips??

day 2 out day 3 is on its way! lets hope i have a better sleep and feel better!


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