Day 2

  • Author Steph Sanders
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 2: Really began to notice the appetite suppressing aspect of the drug. I did not eat enough food this day, I must admit. I had an afternoon to evening shift at work and began to notice slight heart palpitations. As soon as I felt my heart begin to beat I felt a slight wave of nausea. I very rarely suffer from panic attacks due to usually minor anxiety, but whenever I get palpitations it makes me nervous of an oncoming attack. Starting to think it was a bit unprofessional of the doctor to prescribe me such controversial medication without asking me if I experienced anxiety or taking my blood pressure...
After speaking to my brother who is a chemist and doing some more online research I decided I'd keep taking the medication unless I encounter too many adverse effects.
I didn't really want to go out with friends that night as I'd blown the budget on my duromine and basically couldn't be bothered after my shift. Usually I'd feel sad about having to sit out on social events, but I was unusually upbeat. Struggled to sleep this night as well, but was able to doze of with the help of my hypnotism app.


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Steph Sanders
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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