Day 2!

  • Author Shardae
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Last night I slept amazing, I was so tired around 6:30 so when my daughter went to bed, I did too.
I slept from 7pm til 9am today and I feel great! I bought those frozen packs of vegetables that already have the packs in a serving size to really help make sure I eat enough, not too little and not too much.

I did a workout this morning with my daughter, she was copying everything I did but instead of weights she used Lego blocks, how cute.

Today I'm feeling very optimistic and I lost 2.5kg in the first day! I'm aware that would be retained fluids more than anything else but it's still very exciting!

Today's breakfast was one boiled egg on a piece of toast and a cup of tea with no sugar or milk

Lunch was steamed vegetables and a very small piece of a quiche my mum made yesterday.

I'm not too sure what will be for dinner but I'll probably just eat some vegetables.

Starting weight: 90kg
Current weight: 87.5
Goal weight: 60kg
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Hi lovely :)
Well done to you!! Keep up the good work.
Omggg how precious of your little bubs working out with her Lego blocks lol.
OMG how did you manage so much sleep! Though in saying that mines not been bad at all like,others I read about.
I just finished my first week and into week two now.
Wishing you all the luck xxxx

Ps: it's great to grow up with your bubs, mines now 24 I had her young then spat 3 more out lol
Enjoy every moment with her they grow too fast xxx
Thank you!
I have no idea how I slept so well, I think because the night before I woke up around 4:30am to a drunk phone call from my ex and couldn't get back to sleep, so by the time the duromine wore off I was wrecked.

They do grow too fast! It's good to hear you aren't having too bad sleep like others have! Good luck to you too xx

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