Day 2

  • Author Katie Louise
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well last night was amazing I could say i slept like a baby but we all no babies sleep like crap so rather I slept like a log. I slept from 9.05pm through til 3am when bubs had his bottle then from 4am until 5.55am when my eldest started the day. However I am always a morning person but today I felt so sluggish and just wanted to hide under my covers.

Onward and upwards I went doing my usual daily tasks after taking my tablet at 6am. Drank my usual amount and hadnt experienced cotton mouth all day until know (6.45pm) but I also did about two hours gardening followed by carpet cleaning and dinner all before i realised i hadnt even used the toilet all day do chances are I should have drunk a little more.

No headache today nor have i been hungry considering im on my fast day of the 5:2 i honestly did not think I would be able to handle 500cals for the entire day yet ive come in lower (not a good thing either I guess)

Exercise wise ive done a break down
Stairs : 30mins
5kg lifting: 20mins
Lunges :5 mins
Mopping:20 mins
Gardening : 2 hours

Only difference here is the gardening i usually only do an hour a week.

Feeling positive but the slight disappointment still of knowing the results are not instant. Already Im counting down the days until my weigh in and that annoys me just as much that Im so dependant on seeing those figures change.

No moods swings, kidlets were amazing today. A whole day without a tantrum or time out thats a celebration on its own.

Well I need to put the kids to bed,hoping for another amazing sleep.

Enjoy your night


Try not to focus or hope too much on instant results... some of us have GREAT results and others, like me have had dismal ones.. but - still trying with various changes to see those changes through

Blog entry information

Katie Louise
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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