Day 2

  • Author Givingitago
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
At heaviest: 75kg
Starting weight: 73.2
Goal weight: 60kg
Current weight: 72.2
Weight loss: 1kg

Mini goal: 70kg by April 1

I woke up on day 2, not completely refreshed seeing I did only get to sleep 2 hours earlier. I took my second pill and was okay. Didn't feel the same level of energy as the day before.

I then did about 40 minutes of interval walking and jogging and then about another 20 minutes of light walking.

I had a bridal dress appointment (the worst) where the stylist promptly gave me a sad 'poor you' smile when i said I was on my own. I told her that was my intention. The thought of shopping for a dress at this weight brings me such angst. Anyways, it wasn't as bad as i thought but it certainly wasn't great. I had a bit of champagne to take the edge of.

Went to another bridal appointment, still not that bad, but not great. Was super hungry by the time I got to visit my sister at about 3pm. I had a salmon sandwhich as I knew there was roast waiting for me for dinner.

Dinner was pork roast and roasted vegetables. I noticed that whilst I was hungry at the time, i did not eat much and was feeling quite full from eating mostly veggies and just a bit of pork.

Slept relatively early compared to the night before at 11pm, however woke up at 4 and could not get back to sleep.


So... Givingitago, let’s give it a go and work well through the entire weight loss journey! =) Welcome to the forum and may this adventure bring you lots of pleasant moments and new healthy life choices!

Congrats with the very first weight loss on Duromine!

It’s great that you’re already engaged in exercising, and so many emotions. Going thought the wedding preparations period can take a lot of your forces, both physical and mental, yet you know what you want and I am sure you won’t back down.

Glad to know you already do feel the appetite suppression, and so sorry for the insomnia you have to fight. Hopefully, this side effect subsides soon and you will be able to sleep enough.

Ps. Try to avoid alcohol while n Duromine. It is a common recommendation, and while some people end up with no adverse reactions, other report quite unpleasant consequences.

Have a great day and anxiously looking forward to your update!
Thanks April. I was wondering if people read the blogs. I do feel that having some accountability is good.

Today was a very different duromine day. Will update in new post.

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1 min read
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