Day 2

  • Author Pigdog
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi All

Today is my second day on D, i must say i am seeing very fast results!!! The only side affects i have now noticed is a dry mouth, and trouble sleeping but apart from that everything else seems to be going great !

I only did 30 mins cardio last night as i felt that was enough after seeing how much weight i already lost, i am trying to avoid losing it to fast as i dont want to get saggy skin :)

I will keep posting my results everyday for the first week and after the first week ill do weekly posts

Starting Weight - 75kgs
Today's Weight - 72.8kgs
Loss Total - 2.2kgs


Hi! Wow! That’s fast! I am sure you are aware of the fact that you lost the retained water. I mean… you should not get discouraged if you don’t see losing 2 kg every day. =) From now on, it’s your fat that is going to leave you.

Well done!!! A great day to you!
Hi, i figured that's what it was :) I am happier with only losing a small amount each day but I'm not complaining with my loss so far, if anything it has made me more determined to train and eat better!!

Thanks for your response

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