Day 2!

  • Author I need to do this!!!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read

I am so moody! You could tell me my hair looked a bit messy and I would snap your head off lol this is what happened to me last time it did pass but god it's like a very anxious feeling!

Anyway, I ate well for breakfast and lunch I had butter chicken for dinner but not much so I figure that's ok right ?! Lol

I did 35 mins fast walking on the treadmill and then about 15mins on the bike. I have a body scan at the gym tomorrow and I'm both scared and interested to see what it looks like. I'll do another one at the gym in 6 weeks to track progress so I won't let what I see tomorrow affect me as I'm changing it anyway!!!!

Not too many symptoms except for the dry mouth, I remember when I first took this I had headaches, dry mouth, lack of sleep the works but I seem to be going ok for now!!

I'll be off to the gym again tomorrow and I'm going to try and include some weights and stuff for my arms but I figured to start with I would just work on the cardio side of things!

Until tomorrow !!!


Hello, I need to do this! First of all, well done on not gaining any weight while being off Duromine for 6 months. That is pretty impressive! Sounds like you truly did change your mindset about your nutrition. And I really like the way you are considering your physical activity and the beginning of the journey. Taking it steady and slowly with a further increase is a lot better than jump into the gym and kill yourself there in the very first day.

Good.. you do it good. Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey, and remember – You will do this!
Hi April,

No certainly not killing my self lol infact I haven't even done any weight training yet because I know it will put me out of action too early haha! Just the cross trainer and treadmill for now !!

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I need to do this!!!
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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