Day 2

  • Author jDad4509
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
WOW - I was a bit worried about the side effects of Duromine but after the first day (yep I know it only the first day) the only side effects I have had was an anxious feeling for the morning - other than that it all seems good.

It didn't take me long to realise yesterday that eating is necessary, even if it is only small things. While I don't feel hungry I was getting head achy at certain times so I figured it was time to eat something. After have a small snack (nuts, fruit etc) the head ache would go and I was back on track with feeling great.

I know we should weigh ourselves often (once a week or fortnight to gauge progress I guess) but I did hop on the scale this morning and was down 2.1 kilos from yesterday when I started. It might only be water weight but it is a reduction and the first result in my progress. No more weighing until this time next week now.

To slightly misquote Aslan - "onward and downward"


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