Day 2

  • Author tams86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day 2 and I woke up feeling excited for what the day would bring. I hoped on the scales out of curiousity .... IVE LOST 2KG! What the!!! I am in the middle of my monthlies so Im kinda putting it down to that, not going to get too excited.

I popped my pill and had a shake for breaky before heading off to the gym for a pump sesh (weights/squat and weight related work) and was shocked to be lifting some heavy weights :) I feel i really put in an amazing effort @ the gym :) Was very proud of myself :)

After the gym I headed home and had a yoghurt for mt. I whipped out the scales and weighed the correct serving size into fancy little icecream cups Id bought. Cuz they are so tiny and cute it looked like I was eating a massive amount. Mind over matter ;)

I went to water aeroibics for the first time in ages today. I was suprised to be sore, puffed and actually felt amazing to be in the water doing things to help my mind, body and weight loss. 45mins flew by and before I knew it it was time to head home.

I was quite hungry (sigh) when i got home so I made a chicken and salad sandwich. At first I thought maybe I was confusing hunger with the urge just to eat for the sake of eating (which I usuall do - just eat) but my rumbling tummy and taste buds told me different. A sandwich and a glass of cold water helped fill my tum tum.

I got the hugest craving for frosting this arvo and I knew I would obsess so I got out the scales and weighed a "serving size" in accordance to the label. I ate it super slow with the smallest spoon in the cupboard and was content with the serving size once I was done. I wasnt even tempted to grab the bucket and just dig in and feast.

Dinner tonight was lean steak and veg. I acutally enjoyed it. I am a serial snacker so by makin myself sit at the table and eat my meals, im finding to be benificial. :) :) :)

Im stoked that I havent had any after dinner cravings, its 930pm now and I feel peckish but am totes gunna ignore it. Eyes on the prize tam!

No side effects yet either, im super keen for bed already. Wondering if maybe my dosage needs to be increased??

fingers crossed for another good day tomorrow :) :)


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