day 2

  • Author Ani
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Ive taken my 30mg at 5am, I have to admit Ive hardley no side effects just a slight dry and little nausea. but i believe the nausea was from not eating on time as it was late at night. the most effect ive had on day 1 was small cramping and few toilet breaks (no 2's lol). Other than that I havent noticed much increase in energy at all, my hunger has lessened but not a dramatic change. toilet breaks are back to normal and no nausea at all.

I slept quiet ok (woke twice for toilet due to drinking alot of water). Had coffee this morning no change and maitaining small meals. Im not sure what to expect being a first timer, but so far small changes. monday will be my first day of cardio (due to work) so will see if day three has much change.

I wanted to go back to the doctor and perhaps see about 40mg but as its very early days i will be patient as not having side effects is great for me compared to others and things may be happening weight wise without me realising. will post another update tuesday....hope everyone is doing good / well.

BIO: 115.65 kgs Height 168 cm BMI 41.0 Goal: lose 15-20kg Time: 12wks


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