Day 22 on Mr D - plans for the future

  • Author Nattynat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Following on from my last blog for saturday 16 March
Did I sleep well, YES I even slept in :)

Sunday 17 March
Side Effects: Thirsty, throat hurts, and verrrrryyyyyy hungry. I never felt so hungry, snacking all day...
Exercise: Nil- needed to apply for jobs
Feeling: Tired & grumpy, continuing to apply for jobs.. emotionally drained
Did I sleep well YES

Today 18 March, I woke up and decided to go to the GP and get a check up and try to get another prescription because the pills finish this Friday. I was hoping to get the 40mg, so I don't take the pill everyday & the 30mg doesn't suppress my appetite daily. Last week I felt extra hungry, even though I was eating 6 small healthy meals a day & drinking 3 liters of water. I'm not sure why I get hungry, but the GP said it's because i'm training at the gym, therefore the body needs more food.

Awkward moment when he asked me if I had kids?? I quote what he said" i'm wondering why a young girl like you that does not have kids is struggling with her weight". My thoughts are: mind you my eyes were staring at him like a hawk lol, because I was in shock, I thought REALLY so only people that have kids can be overweight and become emotional eaters. Anyway I didn't want to argue with him because I wanted another prescription. He prescribed 30mg.

Started Duromine on the 27 Feb 2013
GP scale 70kg, My scale at home 68kg

Today my weight is GP scale 66kg. Lost 4kg &
My Scale : 65kg. Lost 3kgs
I honestly thought I would lose more, but i'm still happy I lost weight.

Height: 160cm
Body Shape: Pear I absolutely hate my thighs and ass
Goal Weight 57kg

Starting from next monday I'm going to take the pill every third day, so my body can start functioning without the pills and after I complete the pills if I haven't achieved my goal weight, I'm going to take a break for 1 week and continue to eat healthy & exercise, then I will take Phen375. My sister is using them and has got great results. Nooooo side effects at all, the lucky duck.

Anyway guys have a great day and good luck with your weight loss journey:)


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