Day 23

  • Author Kyles
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
23rd day now
I haven't weighed myself for ages, since my first 4 days.
I will do it eventually, I must say I feel so much better and I have lost weight,I can tell by my clothes.
I do weight training 4 times a week and cardio 5 , no less.
I had all intentions of having one day a week of eating whatever I want,but when it comes around I seriously have no urge at all to go out and pig out, the crazy appetite and cravings have just left me.
No side effects, have finally got in the habit of drinking water about 1.5L a day, I stop by 6 or I am up all night going to toilet, that was one effect that drove me crazy!!
Everything seems to be going well, my eating is so much better, I just feel a lot better, I hope to keep going, I feel as tho I will, determination, and all you wonderful ladies on here are so supportive..thank you, hope you are all doing well. x
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How do you not weigh yourself! Get on that scale :) Sounds like you doing very well. Im very happy for you.
Yes it's great that you feel good...but I like to weigh myself once a week ...keep do what your doing cause it's working :);)
Miss T , I will be honest I don't really know why I don't weigh myself, when I first started I was like yes , I must !! But I don't know if I am a little scared and if I weigh myself I will be disappointed, or I will think is that all! And lose a bit of motivation, I definetly feel as tho I have lost weight, and doing weights I have toned, not much of an answer to you, and I apologise for that.
For now I will just keep going , livin on the good positive feeling I have, whilst I feel fit and happy the more motivation I have :)
Thk you too shelleyisme for acknowledging my blog.
Good luck to both of you :)
I will post my weight when I get my nxt script ;)
I wish i had your will power. I am going to try not weigh for over a week and see what happens. Challenge accepted! have a fantastic week end.

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