Day 4 Feeling heaps better

  • Author Dani7
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 4 and after having such a rough morning yesterday with side effects from duromine i am really happy to report today that i am having a really good day.
Yesterday my legs were dripping with sweat, i had a headache and my heart was racing really bad, i was dizzy and vague. I started to get better after about 4 hours from taking my tablet.
Today my heart is slightly racey but mangable but everything else has gone and as as far as im concerned those symptoms can stay away ! I wasnt going to take todays tablet but was encouraged to perservere and im glad i did :) Last night i said no to chocolate that was offered without feeling like i was missing out at all. I just didnt care for it ! this is strange cos i love chocolate ! . I walked past a bakery with a lady offering hot cross bun samples but again was quite happy to say no thanks. Yay me !!


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