Day 49 - Curiouser and curiouser

  • Author meatpopsicle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I've been so slack this week. Haven't got on that walker once (no excuse). Was faithfully recording everything I ingested in MyFitnessPal but have let it slide, only bothering when I remembered. Have eaten previously banned foods such as fruit & nut mix (omg orgasmic, who'd have ever thought sultanas and pumpkin seeds would taste so bloody good), saladas & cheese, and even half an LCM bar one of the kids discarded (so gross, I know). I'm positive my daily calorie intake has been higher on average than the past 6 weeks, even though it's still below 1200 cals.


I stepped on the scale this morning and I had lost 2kg.


I was so good in week 6 and gained 300g... this week I've been a bit naughty but lost 2kg?

How does that work?

Whatever. I'm happy. I cracked 80kg! By 100g, but still, lol.

I already bought myself two new pairs of boots, which was supposed to be my 80kg mini-goal reward (I had to; mine from last winter had holes in the soles) so I'll content myself with doing a really ugly naked bump n' grind that I will leave you all to mentally picture. That oughtta help any of you struggling to curb your appetites.
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I think the 2kg loss probably has something to do with the whole cheat day theory and tricking your body into burning more. If I have a bad day I will gain weight the follow day but have a decent drop the next. Also could be that whatever number of calories you’ve been hitting this week may just be your sweet spot for lack of better words. I used to consume very little and would still loose weight but not very much, then I decided to try and and increase my calorie intake a bit but still staying under 1200 and I started to loose more.
=)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) can't stop giggling
congrats on the loss! maybe such alternation from good to bad works great for your body, who knows =)
Oh, that is so relatable - and now how has this week gone???

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