Day 5 - Morning :)

  • Author Elle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well here I am . . . morning of Day 5 :cool:

Yesterday was a real struggle for me . . . I was had a headache for most of the day and then I began feeling nauseous . . . it wasn't pleasant. I then began to feel extremely drained to a point where I didn't know if I could drive home after work. I had what I was thinking were hunger feelings and began to wonder if I was feeling like this merely because I just haven't eaten enough over the last few days ?!? So I had a bit to eat in the afternoon and then made myself have some tea.

I slept really well last night, even fell asleep laying on my man on the lounge whilst watching TV last night and then slept great in bed . . . till my alarm went off this morning.

I am wondering if I am suffering from headaches because previous to taking Duromine I was on medication to keep headaches away, or because I used to drink at least one diet coke a day and now I don't have cravings for it at all so have basically cut it out of my diet totally, or if it is from the Duromine itself ?? Not that it matters it is just one thing that is making my journey thus far a little . . . uncomfortable :(

On an up note I seem to have lost 4kg this morning . . . down to 133.1kg from 137.1 . . . I look at the scales and it makes me smile . . . I am finally on the road to becoming healthy and I am NOT going to give up now !!! :laughing:

Elle :p


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