Day 5 OMG

  • Author mum on a mission
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
What a day ! Did not sleep well at all. I woke up to an extremely dry mouth and a terrible headache. Got straight up and took some panadol with loads of water. Went to work and drank loads of water but still very dry mouth. On the way to pick up the kids from school i went to the chemist to grab something to help produce saliva. Lets hope it works. I was a bit snappy at the kids but with detoxing and not eating much I suppose that is expected. Looking forward to a good nights sleep.


Hope you get a better nites sleep tonite. My 1st week was the worst - could have quit quite easily - the lack of sleep 10hrs total for 6days was the hardest. But I am glad I stuck it out - now on week 20 with 23kg lost. So Please stick with it it will get easier. Good luck for your journey. If you have any questions or just need an ear I am here as is everyone else on the forum. We are all here to support each other in our weight loss journeys. T

Blog entry information

mum on a mission
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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