Day 64

  • Author StephanieBella15
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
So I know I haven't written in a while but I have just recently finished my second month of Duromine and started my third month.

Starting weight: 100.3 kg
Current weight: 90.2 kg

I'm definitely happy with this result. I can't really 'notice' a difference when I'm standing in front of the mirror... But others have commented saying they have noticed. It gives me more confidence to keep going and gives me more motivation!

I said at the start I don't have a goal weight because I don't want to let myself down if I make an unrealistic expectation. So my goal is to simply be better than what I was, which to me I have already achieved. It would be really good if I lost another 10kg, I'd be wrapped with that.

My appetite isn't as suppressed as what I had thought it would be... At the start when I first started the medication I was not even craving anything. I didn't want anything except minimal food. Now I find that I'm craving chocolate and things like pizza.

Occasionally I will have a small amount of pasta, or a slice of pizza, just because I find if you completely cut the items out that you're used to having, it makes you crave them more. So last night I had a small piece of chocolate and if satisfied my craving for chocolate. Most days I have a small breakfast, either a piece of fruit, or an up and go (I don't have time before work), and then I won't eat anything else until my break at work where I'll have some light crackers with cheese and tomato, or a bowl of light yoghurt with berries and oats. Then I don't eat anything until dinner.

I'm still eating because if you don't it's not good for you. But I have noticed a dramatic difference in the fact that I used to just go to Hungry Jacks on my lunch break and get takeaway. I haven't done that for a long time. I love my yoghurt and oats for lunch, and my cucumber and fruit for snacks.
I eat a lot of fruit as well, but this is something I did even before I started the Duromine. I've always loved the taste of fruit.

I have had really dry mouth... Which is annoying because my job involves me talking all day to customers and it makes it even worse. But it's not unbearable and I drink more water this way I guess. I've been sleeping fine, no other side effects at all. I had my check up with my doctor and he said he's quite surprised at how good my body has taken to the drug. Especially when he tried to scare me out of it before I started with the risks!

The money I've spent on this medication is worth it. It's given me the confidence to make better choices when I eat and given me the kick start I need to prepare for when I stop taking Duromine. Money is just money at the end of the day, it's your happiness that counts.

Looking forward to seeing what progress I make over the next month. My doctor is now saying I'm able to take it for 6 months and not 3, I guess this is because he's been monitoring me and noticed I haven't had any issues with it, and because I'm still classified as obese.

Keep going everyone :)
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