Day 8,9,10 catch up :)

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I haven't blogged for a few days.. But here I am :)
Taking pill around 6:15 every morning, didn't do any training on mon or tues.. Which I feel ok about my body needed a rest and I was doing heaps of cleaning lol my kids like to drag everything from their toy boxes into the rest of the house :-/ so a lot of bending and lifting.. Etc.. I also have been sticking with my eating as much as I can.. Tho I tend to find myself not snacking and getting hungry around 8:30pm I just have a rice cake or whole meal sandwich with vegemite I do feel guilty when I do this and I know I'm not meant to :(

I have had very restless sleep all week with a demanding baby and all the mum duties my days are trying as is and then bedtime I crash out (exhausted) and wake 3 or 4 times just because.. I put myself back to sleep tho and then wake at 6am every morning to have my medication.. And it's like my body is tired but my mind is wide awake.. But once the kids r up I'm busy so I soon forget the tiredness.

My home cooked 300 calorie family meals have been a hit so far :)
Am writing out my next meal plan this arv as grocery shopping is tomorrow :)

Had a workout this morning at a class at 6:15am
And am feeling the difference in my boobs and stomach :)
As I am a F cup ATM it was odd to actually notice some sort of reduction in my breasts lol it's the first time ever I've noticed it lol,
Weigh in is tomorrow because I haven't been working out I'm only expecting a small loss this week :( but a loss is a loss :)


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