day 8 and a little bit naughty

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
well day 8 came and woke up agin not feeling like I could jump out of bed but that's fine-I must admit I get a little jelous when I read about the people who have endless energy but anyway...
breakfast/lunch and dinner went fine bt I notice late arfternoo I wa feeling realy hungry-funny but it coincided with a very quiet day at my house with only 1 kiddy at home instead of 3-must stay busy!

unfortunately I had uninvited guests show up and my exerisze plan went out the window-don't you hate that
soooo like I said had a slip and I feel like impaying for it now-I was doing a bolognaise for the family and had my chicken breast with grilled vegies cooking - anyhow,the spag bowel smelt soooo good I had a little bowel-just the meat no pasta but still I was disappointed in myself-then followed it up with my own dinner and then a couple rice crackers and some cheese-grrrrrr,i can already see my stomache bloated out and cant help feeling very annoyed with myself-besides the difference on the scales my stomache which usually looks like it has a baby inside was deffinatly a lot smaller-my problem area is my middle-no waist to speak of just a big gut which I hate!!! and did I mention I feel sooooo sick because of it?

so tomorrow is another day and I am determined not to let myself slip again, I need to keep my water up and go grocery shopping for some more fruit and veg-if I have to slip I need apples/pears near by instead of the dreeded cheese which was a staple of mine:/.......
better news tomorrow I promise:)


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