Day 8: End of Week One

  • Author Chrissie70
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well I am at the end of week one. I thought I'd give a summary of the week at the end instead of daily updates.
Day 1 I felt on top of the world, I had the standard dry mouth and getting to sleep took some time
Day 2 the dry mouth lessened, sleep was better
Day 3-5 I started to feel LOW and taking the D was a effort. I was alert but didn't have the energy to be out exercising, I was actually feeling tired and headaches were starting.
Day 6 I felt like my brain needed a rest so decided not to take the D this day
Day 7 back on the D and glad I had that rest day, all other side effects have gone and my body feels a lot more settled and I didn't feel as down anymore.

As for weight loss. My SW 78.9 and CW 77.7, a loss of 1.2 kg... Which is good but I have to say I was a little disappointed. I did weigh myself in day 5 and I was at a loss of 2kg which I was chuffed about.

I've been sticking to low carb and sugar diet. I've still been eating normal meals however, so that will be the game changer this week. Smaller smaller meals. I am glad that I haven't touched bread or sugar tho :)

I've written this entry about 4 times now, my mobile is playing up , so I'm sorry about the mistakes :)

I am hoping for a better loss this week
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