Day 8 - First week finished

  • Author Givingitago
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
At heaviest: 75kg
Starting weight: 73.2
Goal weight: 60kg
Current weight: 72.0
Weight loss: 1.2kg

Mini goal: 70kg by April 1

So I guess my request for a miracle pill from my doctor was indeed not possible. Day 4 i talked about feeling absolutely hungry all day. Day 5 was not much better, I was hungry all day and by dinner I was so starved I had the biggest meal I had in weeks. Sesame and soy salmon on noodles. It was delicious and i did feel better immediately. The next day i was feeling better. I was back to healthy eating because I knew I was going to have another big dinner as it was a special birthday occasion. I do think I didn't eat as much as would have, however I don't think Duromine was working as I didn't feel satisfied until i had quite a bit to eat already.

The next day, I gained 0.6!!! However, thankfully I am back to 72.0. I really don't think my goal weight of 70 by April is possible now. I am starting to feel really discouraged.

Day 7, Yesterday. I took a day off taking Duromine. Last night was the first proper nights sleep in a week. I have been averaging maybe 3 hours all week and I am physically and mentally exhausted.

I took duromine again today. I didn't have the level of energy from the first day, but I did get a lot of work done at work so maybe there is a slight increase in energy. Anyways, I will continue with what I am currently doing. Trying to be consistent with healthy eating and exercise, with one day off duromine a week.

Still feeling discouraged,but not quite ready to give up yet.

New mini goal: 71kgs by April???!?!!


Hi! Sorry to hear that everything is not the way you expected. And Sorry you don’t get the result you wished for. Seems like your body is getting used to this dosage quite fast, or… hard to say something. No precise information about your regime both eating and exercising. People do get hungry after physical activity, people do get hungry in the evening if their previous meals were not nutritious enough, and people do get hungry when they don’t drink enough water… don’t know… oh, right! People get extremely hungry when they don’t sleep enough. Not sure if you read about ghrelin hormone. So, while you were not sleeping properly, you might have been overfilled with that hormone (in plain words), and that’s the reason that caused this extreme hunger. Man, I don’t even know what time you were taking Duromine in the morning. We might try to figure it all together and try fixing it, or/and you can consult your doctor about this and/or upping to 40 mg (though I fear of this dosage for even stronger side effects, but that’s my personal opinion).

Let’s see how your new Duromine regime works. It’s never the same for anyone. Fingers crossed it goes better. And you might consider the idea of taking sleeping pills if your insomnia persists. Don’t forget to inform the pharmacist about Duromine, to avoid serious drug interactions. It’s a potent drug and must be used with due care.

DO NOT GIVE UP!!! It’s just a week! Some people lose more weight in the first weeks, while others start seeing encouraging results by the end of the first month. It depends… chin up!

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2 min read
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