Day 9 but not successful by Shwin

  • Author Shwin
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
on day 9 and have lost .5kg only despite eating much less, minimal carbs and starting to walk ( 20-30 mins) each day. For someone who is 92.7, the wt loss should have been more. I take water and am not as hungry , appetite shrunk but no results


May be your body needs some time to begin parting with kilos. I wish you luck!
Dont be put off @Shwin - Duromine can take a little time to build up in your body before it starts working as you want it. We are all different, so that time can be different for each and everyone of us.

Please remember you must eat. Otherwise your metabolism will slow all the way down. Its a great idea to track your food on something like "My Fitness Pal" or "Lose It" which both have free options. Track every little thing! For me, when I started doing this I was really surprised in what I was consuming!

Have you started implementing any exercise as yet? Would love to know if you have and what you are doing :)

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