Day 9

  • Author Kezzamcc
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Wow 9 days of eating 1300 calories a day exercise and a feeling of achievement! Who am I ? I dont recognise the commitment!

I feel great, I am still suffering a little from restless nights and some wicked dreams but I am waking early and heading out for a walk. I am managing to walk 3km now in 35 min without it feeling like it has zapped every bit of energy I would ever have again.

I weighed myself this morning and have lost 2kg. I would have liked to have lost more but my clothes are already feeling a little better so I am happy with that.

My husband made me thai green curry for dinner and it was amazing. It did cost me a bit calorie wise but I need to remember to LIVE and not starve. That would be no fun for anyone.

I am still going with my daily photo as gruesome as some of them are and I hope in about 6 weeks I will notice a huge difference.

Anyway here is this mornings photo "Peace out People"


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