Day... oh who knows!!

  • Author StarryG
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I have been on 30mg for approx 2 months now and I have the following observations:

I can't believe I am listing all this as an actual negative, but here goes... Apart from the first day, I have had no side effects. None. And to be honest, I thought that first day may have been a case of low blood sugar, but I have had that checked since, and I am normal in that respect. To be honest, I feel like I have been given a placebo.

The thought of being on a "weight loss drug" has changed my thoughts. I now take longer eating than I would normally, and I question whether I am actually hungry rather than eating mindlessly before I stuff my face. I don't have any increase in energy, although my car broke down two weeks ago, and I have been walking to and from the train station to get to work, around 20 mins each way. I am still drinking around 3lt water a day, nothing unusual. My last weigh in brought a 0.6kg gain, however my fat percentage lowered by 4% and muscle increased by 3%.

Even though I doubt the Duromine is working, I am still pretending it is. Starting Monday, now that I have my car back (and my lazy ass will not be walking to the station) I will be doing strength work every morning and doing the C24k at lunch time during work hours. If anything, Duromine has shown me how lazy I have been getting in my eating/exercising regime, and I plan on changing that.

All up, I have lost around 7kgs this year so far, and am planning a lot more before the year ends.
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Well done on the loss.
I have a similar experience to you. I'm not sure it's working anymore. The first week was great but after that it slowed right down to the point where I'm not sure it's worth bothering with. However I am still taking it. I have 20 tablets left and then i'm all finished.
I have been going to the gym 5 times per week so I believe that is what has made the biggest difference.
I'm down 6.2kg (in 14 weeks) at my last weigh in which was a week ago.
I'm in the process of moving and my scales are packed so I won't be weighing again until the weekend.
I eat a lot better now than I used to and have cut down my alcohol intake which is always a good thing.
Well congrats to you and keep up the good work.
Hey StarryG! So glad to hear from you! Thought you already forgot about us. =))

Thank you very much for such a comprehensive feedback! Congratulations on your great results and on the fact that you are not stopping on that. Fingers crossed you smash all your goals!

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2 min read
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