Day Two - complete

  • Author Animals4life
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Another day complete on Duromine.

Today my food menu was as follows:

- breakfast -
one pita bread with a 20g slice of edam cheese.
- lunch -
1/2 a cup of musli
125g yoghurt
- Dinner -
Small vegetarian Kebab with felafel, lots of veges and the dressing was yoghurt and garlic.

I didn't snack today as I didn't feel like it. I am most proud of my dinner however, I ate out as I went to the movies. Now usually I would have a super sized popcorn, a super sized coke, an icecream and lollies on the side and maybe, just maybe - tea before this also. Today, I ordered a diet coke and ate my healthy Kebab before the movie. So proud!

Again I have had high energy. Me waking before 7am on the weekends is practically unheard of as I usually start my day early through the week at 5am and tend to sleep in easily to 9-10 am in the weekends. However, I so far have not had any impact on getting off to sleep or staying asleep (so hope this continues).

Drank lots of water like yesterday and appetite suppression was really good again.

For exercise, I took my dog for hill walking today and completed approx 40 minutes of this which was great as I managed to get quite exerted.

Tomorrow will hopefully be as good as these past couple of days.


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