Day Two

  • Author WhiteRose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well ive had zero sleep, which wasn't really a surprise considering everything i've read about duromine! but apart from the occasional yawn i'm not really feeling that tired, i still have energy.
Feeling my heart beating is a bit of a worry, its not a good feeling so i'll have to keep an eye on it.
Yesterday for dinner i ate a small grilled piece of steak and a packet of frozen steam vegetables done in the microwave.. it took me about a half hour to eat the tiny meal! i think i may have sighed about 10 times just because of the pure effort it took to eat. I did not feel hungry at all, but I know i still need to eat so i pushed through it!
After having no sleep I decided to take my duromine tablet a couple of hours earlier (although having no sleep at all means it probably doesnt matter what time i take it!) so i set my alarm for 6am and took it with water in bed and then attempted to get some sleep until 8:30am when i decided i may aswell just get up! Also my dog was hogging half my pillow so sleeping just wasn't going to happen (little bugger!)
My head is feeling a little bleh, which i'm assuming is from lack of sleep, but my overall energy levels are fine.
Food is the last thing on my mind and the though of it actually made me feel nauseous, but i made myself a cup of green tea and cut up a banana and suffered through it. Now I feel extremely nauseous and a little dizzy!
I decided to take photos of my body (in underwear of course) as i'm the kind of person who looks at myself and sees no change even though i have already lost 4kgs in the last month without the duromine. So i'm hoping taking a photo each week will show me any changes.
Since i don't own any scales i've decided not to buy any, otherwise i will be one of those people who weights themself every hour and wants to cry when theres not much change! I have to see my GP in a month to see how i'm going and hop on the scales so i'm just going to do my thing, take it day by day and see what happens in a month!


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