days 11,12,13,14

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
well my computer was playingup so haven't been able to keep my blog up but im back!!
so I have had some mixed days really-I ave been sooo hungry at night and admit a couple times I gave in-one night I was in town late after a meeting so I got mcdonalds-very disappointed in myself but not enough to sobatage myself like in the past-keep going hey tomorrow is a new day-It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I stared duromine and I have a drs appointment-according to my scals I am 101.5-sooo that's about 6.5 kgs in 2 weeks-I think I would have gotten to my mini goal of 100kgs without those few slips so its cemented to me how diligent I must be-
hopefully the dr is pleased and I will take her advice on board when it comes to requesting the 40mg-i am on another site on facebook and a lot of the people have said the 40's have made them really ill:( I don't want that but I want to feel like they are working-ill report tomorrow night how I go-I have a weekend away with my friend so another test for me
till then


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