Days 11 & 12

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all my weightloss pals! How is everyone's week been??
So yesterday I had an ok day and decided it was time for a treat.. So I had some Chinese for dinner and managed to eat half of my meal.. But enjoyed my treat and now know it is a treat and won't be a regular thing anymore :) I had honey chicken and Mongolian lamb half half with fried rice it was nice to treat myself as I have been working hard!

I also had a coke zero :)
And slept really good actually as hubby woke with bub :)

I woke this morning around 6 had my pill and got ready for my day out food shopping as budget was tight this week I just got a meat pack which contained steak, sausages , sizzle steaks, turkey mince.. So haven't created a meal plan as yet but google my trusty pal will help with that tomorrow :) lol

I also brought some fresh veg and fruit tonight for dinner we had pork chops I cut the rind off mine with spinach, zucchini, beans and corn in the cob all steamed I also made up a sauce which had red onion, balsamic vinegar and a tablespoon of cream it was really nice :)
Didn't work out today :( but yet again cleaning!!! And the toilet n bathroom work up a sweat ya know!!! Lol

Also my boxing bag is coming tomorrow!!! Yay!

Didn't weigh in this morning because I wasn't home so will do tomorrow :)
Hope everyone is having a great week!

Keep ya head up and eyes open :)
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