Days 13,14,15

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
G'day all :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend and got through the Monday struggles !!
Saturday : I got my boxing bag and couldn't wait to train with it! As the boxing I've been doin is one set to the song rock this party by bob Sinclair and I reckon it's the best song to get you pumped up!!! And also my hubby would hold the focus mitts or kick bag but now I have my own everlast boxing bag and it seems like my new man!! Haha I spend more time admiring it than my partner lol well he thinks so anyway!
Because I smoke (outside) I tend to give it a few hits when I'm outside although I know it's not a good thing (the smoking) and actually realised Saturday that I am smoking more than ever now since I've started this journey :-/
I think I smoke when I get hungry which gave me a new goal to quit!
I don't think my mind set is ready just yet but it is a new goal and because I want a healthier me smoking is not healthy and I think when I go to get my next script out this Friday may also try some patches for the smoking :)

I trained on the wii fit on Saturday and then done one of my own excercise routines in the arv ..

Had lamb chops for dinner with all greens and another sauce I made with mushrooms and light sour cream and chives.. Also cut all fat off mine so was left with a slither of meat lol

Sunday: on Sunday we spent the day with daddy coz he was off to work (travels and works as a loabourer)
So the kids and I spent the morning with him didn't do any training on Sunday and had salad and sausages for dinner

Monday; on Monday it was NAIDOC celebrations at the local park for our playgroup so we had a BBQ lunch and a bit of everyone's salads and rice they brought in I did take my shake but decided to have a lunch had a small bit of potato salad (I made :)) and pasta salad and sausage with a little onion.
(Carbs I know!!)
So knew I would have to workout that night lol
When we got home I made the kids hotdogs for dinner I had a shake and done training around 6pm

Last night when I woke to feed bub I noticed a slight pain in the chest on the right side felt like the start of reflux and I only ever suffer reflux when I'm pregnant.. And I am not pregnant as I have the implonon in so I put it down to the tablets.. Has anyone else experienced this??????

This morning I went to the local gym class at 615am and am now ready for rush hour in my house lol will post again tomorrow!

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