Devestation, stress and a whole bucket of emotions

  • Author shazzabig
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Week two

My first day of week two started with a 600g gain. Not a great way to start the week. I tried not to let it play on my mind. I kept saying to myself it could be fluid or maybe a little backed up.
I also received a call from my Dr saying I had to go see him as something had come up in my CT scan and poo sample. I had been sick for a long time now and seem to be under going investigation none stop. Was happy for some results but also overwhelmed. Add to this trying to write two gov tenders and the start of my week was far from ideal.

Went to the Dr on day two. Again was really emotional. I put it down to being Remembrance Day. Haven't really dealt with my Grandfather passing and Remembrance and Anzac Day were very important to him. May have been the reason may not have been. Anyways Dr informs me I have colitis in the left upper bowel and also gut infection. Gut infection can be treated Colitis can't be. Only the symptoms.
I figured it is what it is and I need to just move on and deal with it. So I headed back to work to get stuck into this tender.

I am sitting at day four of week two and I have not lost a thing this week. I am so upset. I just don't understand why. I have not eaten anything I shouldn't I have made sure I have been eating and exercising. Is this how my body reacts to me being stressed? Surely there has to be some reason behind me not losing??

Whilst at my Dr I told him I have had no increased energy and have noticed that I seem more hungry this week. Not sure if it's stress or its just the tablets aren't working to their full potential. I really wanted him to put me up to the 40mg this week but he is sticking to the month. I just feel like I could potentially be wasting the next three weeks on taking tablets that aren't having a effect on me.

My stress levels and emotions are still high. I have a interview with the panel today who are assessing my tenders. I tried my work shirt on this morning and I still don't feel I can comfortably wear it. I am ashamed to be representing our business they way I am. I just wanted my work shirt to fit.

Sorry this blog is so all over the place lol. It really sums up my mind at the moment.


Oh Shazz you have so much going on wonder you feel stressed :( ... Ok so how did the tenders go? as far as the D not working are you counting your calories & drinking your water .... I use my fitness pal app which counts the cals, exercise & water consumption keeps you on track...all I can say is keep on trying don't give up the duromine really does work.. I wish you a better week and a lighter scale :)
Hi Shelly
I am still plugging away at the tenders. Hopefully will be finished early next week.
I have been keeping track of my calories and i drink between 3 and 4l of water a day.
I think it might just be a crap week. Not going to let it get to me. I will push through and next week will be bigger and better.
I start with my new trainer on Wednesday. Three sessions a week so I am a bit excited.
Fantastic your still motivated .....a trainer your so lucky .. But then again I don't know if I could cope with someone pushing me lol I'm liable to tell were to go lol :eek::p good on you for sticking to your cals & drinking plenty of water ....we all have crap weeks:oops::( the thing is never give up because you will do it!!!!!!!! :) I know all these weeks later I'm so close to losing 20 kg it's fantastic I can't believe I have done this only another 20.8 kgs to go & I'm not in the lest bit overwhelmed ...I know Im worth it & it's not 40 kg I have to lose anymore yippy :) have a fabulous week good luck with the tenders & wishing you a lighter scale :)

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