Double Edged Compliment?

  • Author Vamp Girl
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Not sure whether it's a compliment or not when your trainer makes a comment that you no longer have to move your fat stomach out of the way when you get on the leg press machine !!!


Ahahahah! Sorry, Vamp Girl, now that trainer of yours is indeed a funny guy! Trust me, when you hear something like this from a trainer, it IS a compliment, a very good compliment. And congratulations from me with this progress. Now that you don’t have to “quoting trainer’s phrase”, you definitely see the achieved result. I am so happy for you! Keep it up!
Thank you April. Yeah Nick is a great trainer. I wouldn't have achieved so much is such a short time without him.
Do you take measurements? I am so intrigued with how your weight loss process is going. It’s such a luck that you found a good trainer. It is so important. You should give him a basket with fruits once you’re over with the intense trainings. =)))))) Have a fantastic day!!!
Hi April. We did take measurements. I'm being re-measured next week so it will be interesting to see how much progress I have made.l The basket is a good idea but I'm thinking he'd probably appreciate beer rather than fruit lol
Ahahahhh!! Now that trainer! Beer! Not a perfect propaganda of a healthy lifestyle from him, huh? =)) better give him a mug with the engraving Nick-best trainer! =))

Actually, I just dropped in to see if there is any news from you and to wish you a lovely and active new working week! Lots of smiling and heaps of great mood!
Hi April - All good here. Had my 4 week check with my doctor yesterday. He's really pleased with my progress. 4.3kg down on 30mg per day.
Have now been increased to 40mg but I think i'm going to take it every other day.
Gym is going really well. Getting re-measured next week (week 8).
Feeling great - so positive.
Hello Vamp Girl! Oh, that is a great weight loss and I am happy your doctor noticed your efforts and the result you managed to achieve with your incredible willpower. The 40 mg Duromine type is a tough one, so you should be prepared for some more side effects (though I will pray that you have none). I hope everything goes on really well and your next results will motivate you even more. Looking forward to re-measurements and wish you to see great results there, as well.

Keep up with the positive attitude and have a very cheerful second part of the week! All the best!

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Vamp Girl
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1 min read
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