Duramine 30mg

  • Author KarenJacobs68
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi Fat girl

What you gonna do?

I tried everything... Detox.. Fat burners.. Running... But I am not loosing fat.

So I started Duramine 30mg yesterday.
Weight 63kg
Hight 1.57
Goal weight 54kg

Plan of action... I train in the morning.. Functional training and a bit of weights and walking.
So lets see what happens... Wish me luck....


Hello Karen! Welcome to the forum! First of all, I have to say that you are very pretty! I am sure you are aware of that fact, and I am sure you love yourself. So let’s start with this… now that you’re on Duromine, you start feeding your body only with good stuff. Best healthiest foods, useful herbal tea and lots of water. Speaking of water.. I see your body does need some work, yet most of your problems are concentrated in the back part. If you really want to get good and fast results, you need to start swimming or having workouts in the pool. Check out these two videos:
to get the idea what I am talking about. When I was losing weight, I tried working in the gym, yet I had some issues with my lower back, and the trainer suggested I try working out in the swimming pool. It was an incredible change. Muscles were toning very quickly and the best thing I noticed about the effects of these exercises, was the skin condition improvement. I was losing weight quite fast on Duromine and I noticed that skin started looking quite unattractive. Water helped solve this problem. Think about it. You can find various pool workouts for the abs and back – your problem areas.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and, of course, best of luck to you!!!! Will be watching your progress and I’ll try to give you my best support!
Hey there, Karen! I wonder, why you keep your silence… I was so excited to see you here, and that cheerful smile and the eyes that show so much faith in great achievements. =)) soo looking forward to your updates and hope you don’t have to fight any side effects, while the good effect already hit you and you started losing weight and following your plan. Best of luck to you, Karen!!! Hope on hearing from you soon and have a cheerful weekend!
Hi Karen how are you going?

I'm sorry to see you started your post with Hi Fat Girl :( sounds like how I feel too but I know the negative self talk is not good. I'm just a few days in. Hope it's working out for you.
Heeeeey! Karen, what’s up? Where are you, dear? Did I scare you off with tmi? =)) Hope not. Do you keep to your physical activity plan? What about eating? Write soon and have a great day! =))
Just dropped in to say hi and ask you how you are doing. All the best to you, Karen

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