#Duromine 30mg - End of week one

  • Author Jessie722
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Name: Jessie
Age: 24 years
Height: 171cm (5.6)
Start Weight: 92kg
Current Weight: 87kg
Goal Weight: 65kg

Weight lost in first week: 5kg


Hi everyone, so as you can tell from above my name is Jessie and I have a huge goal to get down to 65kg. I recently had an appointment with a Doctor who prescribed me Duromine to help with my weight loss. Two years ago I joined Weight Watchers weighing in at 110kg, and that experience helped me greatly as I managed to lose 20kg, but since then nothing has really moved and I have had no motivation after seeing very little results since that 20kg loss. I had come to a plateau in my weight loss and Duromine was suggested as an appetite suppressant to sort of give me a push along. I have been prescribed to take it over a 3 month period.

As i'm sure a lot of you did I went on the internet to do some research about the drug, it's side effects, success stories, rumors and why it's called legal speed. After reading a lot of things that scared me and few stories that were pleasant I decided to give it a go anyway. So here's my Duromine first week experience.

The first thing I was worried about was sleep. My experience; I slept just fine! I had actually gone to the Doctor to get some answers as to why I was constantly tired. I could sleep for ten hours, be awake for two and feel exhausted after that small amount of time of being awake. So the Duromine actually helped me a lot in being able to keep a regular sleeping pattern. I know many others post about not being able to sleep but i'm so glad that it's done the opposite for me because I have so much more energy than I did before. Not a big hype where I scrub the walls but what I think is actually supposed to be a normal balance of energy and fatigue.

My hunger has vanished almost entirely. I eat two small meals a day and have a liquid lunch as well which fills me up easily, sometimes I won't even finish it. I'm not sure about anyone else but I've never had to actually remind myself to eat a meal because my mind is never far away from food. So I also have to change the way I think about food whilst on Duromine and losing weight. If I see the results like I have with Duromine and Weight Watchers then i'm motivated to eat right and exercise, but if I don't see the results then it's so easy for me to turn to food because "it's not working anyway, one chocolate won't make a big difference". So that's another personal goal, changing the way I think and feel about food.

One side effect that I have noticed is that being on Duromine makes me very emotional. I can watch something on tv or YouTube thats mildly sad or upsetting and instantly be in tears. I can speak to someone on the phone and something that I usually worry about is mentioned, which usually I worry over for ten minutes or so but whilst on Duromine I burst into tears. So that's a development, but I don't think it's as terrible as other possible side effects.

I've always got to have water nearby because my mouth gets dry very easily, whether i'm at work, at home or especially at the gym. I felt a little sick throughout the first week, just randomly, almost like I was going to vomit at some points but that seems to have passed. These two effects don't really bother me, though if they turn up more often I won't hesitate to bring any concerns to my Doctor.

Overall I feel like Duromine is a great help to my weight loss. I make sure to exercise 5 times a week for at least 45 minutes if not an hour, eat my meals every day and stay positive. I'll update every week and see how things progress. Thanks for reading!



sounds fantastic. keep it up! everyone is different when it comes to duromine so one persons bad experiences wont reflect you. sounds like its going perfect for you! im also trying to get to 65kg im currently 85kg. i did loose 17kg last year on duramine put put some back on after a had my baby.
Hi Jessie, Its refreshing to read words that share a little personality as well.. as you have above with havibg explained how you feel when you try and dont see or feel results.. and how rhat triggers the response to give in the the leur of food.. I tend to do the same thing- and as a coffee lover, i am sure i have been in denial about its effects on my body.. duromine somehow makes coffee taste kind of yuk - happy about that as not only is it likely to curb my habit.. but I may lose weight somply because I'm not downing several cups each day - of course with milk and sugar.. My stats:

Height: 154cm
SW: 78.5kg
CW: 77.2kg :mad: (after 3 weeks)
GW: 58kg

Started on 30mg.. returned to dr just prior to 3 weeks in and now on 40mg..

Good luck to you Jessie.. keep us posted!

Hi Hayley... well done for your prior 17kg loss.. wishing you success again..!
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3 min read
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