duromine bye bye .. Hope i never have to take you

  • Author HotFizz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read

Its been 2-3 weeks i havent posted anything i am off Duromine 4-5 weeks a think, i was really sick vomting i think its due of my diet i used to have shakes as well and atkins bar maybe it was a bit to much for my body. I feel much better but gotta tell you i never was that sick, i mean my stomach was turned upside down and i couldnt stop vomiting i would vomit more then 10 times a day, it would stop,the next day and start the day after .. Well iam glad its over, currently iam on a detox so my body can get rid of to many diet things ..and of course i was on a low card diet too, i think becuase i was so strict with everything my body couldnt take it anymore. I am feelingw good now, hope i never have to experience such terrible thing, just make sure not to overdue yourself with diets exercise, the body still need carbs DUH ! and a Balanced diet . I learned heaps through this journey, i know whats good whats not and of course give yourself a break here and there. I feel really fantastic now, but getting of the pill was bad bad bad expereince i couldnt get up for few days it was terrible feeling the lack of energy, so make sure you prepare yourself when you stop because i didnt and of course didnt know it was gonna effect me that much, it was like i was addicted to the pill, it was long enough in my system that i was like a everyday thing that was there, and i fel awsome on it. But everything has his end, thanks god for that Thank you Duromine you Helped me but iam the one who is in control and iam still losing weight even without you in my system. Great help Gret boost, but its me who does and has to do the long yard. Hope you all doing well , keep going be safe with the pill make sure you take it easy too, relax and have some time off too, its okay if you have a piece of cake once a months it wont kill you. God Bless!

start weight 95 kg
end of Duromine :80 kg

Right now ( current weight) : 77kg
On my own and yes i can do it.

mini Goal :73 kg
Main Goal 65 kg
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Poor little thing!))) I think it's shakes and bars, sometimes they are just not good for your stomach. You know when I was exercising with personal trainer, he put me on protein shakes after I have lost my bunch of weight. Well, first it was fine and tasty, but then he switched to another one, and it was terrible I must say! I had such a terrible stomachache all the time, so I stopped that protein mix and took a break. You are never sure until you change something. I'm glad you are fine now and so happy you managed to get to your goal and keep losing weight without the pills. Bless you! ;)
well said Hotfizz!!!
I agree with you 100% Been taking D alternative days, in the week and none on weekends , as I NEED to teach my head and body that my weakest days need to be controlled by me not a pill ..I do still have cravings for Chocolate, on D or Not.. THAT will probably always be my temptation but in moderation of course, especially once I am at goal weight .. for now it is not beneficial to my weight loss .... keep writing in entries, we need your input every day/week ..

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